Friday, March 28, 2008

Let the Misinformation Begin!

Today, Presidential candidate Barack Obama received the endorsement of Pennsylvania Senator, Bob Casey.  Bob Casey is a Catholic.  Barack Obama is not.  

Can a Catholic support a non-Catholic candidate?  Of course they can.  Can a pro-life Catholic (which is, after all, what all REAL Catholics are) support a pro-abortion candidate?

The answer is undeniably, and emphatically, NO!  Never.  Our Church tells us as much.

The real "news" from this story by the Associated Press is how this endorsement will allegedly open up avenues of support for Obama from the much sought after Catholic Pennsylvanian vote.

I'm sorry, but no Catholic worth their weight would EVER vote for a pro-abortion candidate, must less endorse them to a larger group.  Senator Casey 's eternal soul hangs in the balance with this decision.  If his endorsement does sway voters, and Obama is elected president... and Obama institutes more pro-death legislation... then Casey is just as guilty.

If you are Catholic... not "catholic"... you have a duty to protect life.  In all forms and at all times.  Not when it's convenient, or when you are not mad at a certain political party or their representatives.

Have the guts to stick with the truth even when you don't feel like it.  That is what our faith calls us to do every day.  We may not feel like: praying, going to church, doing right, loving our neighbor, etc.  But we HAVE to.  That is our call.  Our duty.  Take up your cross.  Let Jesus help you bear the weight.  His yoke is easy.  His burden, light.

I don't care what a candidate's economic stimulus package is.  Or what he or she thinks about the state of Iraq.  If they have no value for human life, they are not worthy of your support.  Period.

Let your faith guide you this election, not your emotions.  Emotions sway in the wind.  Our faith is built on the rock of Christ.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Nowhere to Run, Nowhere to Hide

I'm a sports fan.  Not as much as I used to be, but one just the same.

I enjoy a good football game or basketball game as much as the next guy.  But what I find insulting is that somewhere, somehow - someone decided that sports equals sex.  

I can't watch a commercial break without being bombarded by sexual images and innuendo, all disguised as "humorous".  You know - the beer and cologne commercials.  Fast food purveyors. And, or course, let's not forget the out-and-out blatant sexuality of lingerie ads, because - c'mon guys - we all know that we need a new pair of panties and a matching bra.

Now the internet has gotten in the game, so to speak.  Every time I want to read a sports story, I'm attacked by bikini pictures or singles websites that promise me a perky - and apparently morally loose - young woman.

Men... what can we do?  Seriously.  What CAN we do?

The answer is simple, but multi-dimensional.  Write letters.  Stop buying products.  Quit watching sports.  Cease using certain websites.

Basically, stand up for what is right.  Always, and no matter what the cost.

Can we mobilize like this?  Be a unified front against sin?  That is the goal of Real Catholic Men. Strength in numbers and strength in God.  I'd love to hear ideas on how we can pull this off.

Join our army and take up arms to fight the Evil One! 

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

More News for '09 Conference

As I write this I am swimming in preparation for the 1st Annual Real Catholic Men Conference.  
E-mails are being sent (and bouncing back).  Envelopes are being stuffed.  Phone calls are being made.  Information is being requested.

While I am preparing for the '08 conference, I am also laying the groundwork for '09.

In a previous post I announced my first confirmed guest, Fr. Donald Calloway.  His faith and fervor will blow you away.

I am also proud to announce two more speakers for '09.  

Tarek Saab, a former contestant on the hit NBC series The Apprentice, has become one of the most sought after Catholic speakers in the country.  His new book, Gut Check, tells of his journey of faith and success.  You can find out more about Tarek at:

Rich Lane is the Founder of Qorban Ministries and is the son of Hall of Fame football player, Dick "Night Train" Lane.  Since 2005, Rich and his wife, Donna, have been "Preaching, Teaching and Sharing the Word of God" throughout the world.  He has been seen and heard on EWTN, Relevant Radio and beyond.  For more information on Rich and his ministry, log on to

I am so pleased to have these men come to Portland.  They will inspire you with their desire to spread their message of men's spirituality.

God is good, all the time.  All the time, God is good.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Be Prepared - Holy Week is Coming

I gotta tell ya----

My first Easter as a "real" catholic was five years ago.  BC.  Before Children.  I was able to attend all of the Holy Week celebrations: Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil.  I saw people coming into the Church for the first time.  I sat in a pew for hours.  Something I could barely stand doing for mere moments as a child.

I can promise you that if you have the chance to walk with Christ over these three days, you will be transformed.

Prepare yourself.  Pray.  Fast.  Give alms.  Deny yourself.  Die to self.  Be "raised" anew on Easter day.  How glorious.  How blessed we are.  Take advantage.  

Be transformed!  Be transformed!  Be transformed!

Friday, March 7, 2008

A Word of Ackowledgement

As we move throughout this life of ours, trying to better ourselves by the Grace of God, we need to be thankful and acknowledge the people that He has put in our path to lead us to holiness.

I wanted to take this time to say "thank you" to some of the men (and a woman) who have blessed me with their faith and their friendship.

First of all, my wife, Heather.  She was the first to turn this boat around and keep it from heading straight into the storm.  It was her guidance that lead me to meet all the other people you see listed below.

Steven Johnson.  His enthusiasm for the Church and her teachings (and being so young to boot) made me ashamed of my lack of knowledge.  It made me want to know more and be a better Catholic.

Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers.  If you hear him speak about our Faith and are not moved... check your pulse.  One time was all it took for me.  He still gets me pumped up when I hear him speak.

Deacon Chuck Amsberry.  When we first met, he was just plain Chuck.  I was blessed by his gentleness and love of the Church.  His family welcomed us with open arms... and still does.  He and his wife, Carol, are the God-parents of my daughter, Elise.

Steve Abrams.  I consider him my spiritual father.  It was his charismatic prayer group that opened me up to really desiring to do the will of God.  He continues to listen to the Lord's voice in his life, and only wants to serve.  I admire that.  He is the God-father of my oldest daughter, Ava.

The men of Teams of Our Lady.  Mark, Jeremy, Aaron, Micah, Charles, Rob, Mike, etc.  How great it is to have others in your life who desire to be holy men of God as well.  We continue to "sharpen" each other from day-to-day.

Please take a moment to pray for those who have helped you grow closer to God.  I'm sure they've done the same for you.