Thursday, January 22, 2009

How About Some R.E.S.P.E.C.T for L.I.F.E.?

Today I watched the March for Life from Washington D.C. on the internet (thanks to EWTN).

I was uplifted and encouraged by the enthusiasm of the marchers - both young and old alike - who have been there year after year, and some for the first time.

I was especially happy to see all of the young people there. Those who came with their church youth groups, high school and college clubs, or lay ministries. They way they spoke of their love of life and love of the Church was inspiring.

And please know that unless you watched it first-hand (or were there) you will NOT be getting the proper coverage in your local or national new outlets. Some websites were reporting "tens of thousands", while those who were there marching said it was the largest they had seen in some time. Closer to 200,000 or more.

And as can be expected, reports focused more on President Obama and his "reaction" to the pleas from most of the speakers.

As an abstinence educator, I will someday be able to put into words how backwards his thought process is on reducing the number of teen pregnancies while also cutting funding for abstinence education. But for right now, I am just too angry.

I pray daily that this man who means so much to so many will give the r-e-s-p-e-c-t that is due to those who are most vulnerable.

After all, Aretha Franklin did sing at your inauguration.

Take care. T - C - B.

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