Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The "C" Word

Although it's been going on for sometime, this past election has brought it to the forefront.

It's the use (or mis-use) of the "C" word.

Yes, it's the loose usage of the term "Catholic."

The other day on the radio I heard two disturbing facts. One is that something like 58% of "Catholics" voted for Obama. The other is that 60% of "Catholics" are consider themselves "pro-life."

Well, obviusly there is something wrong here. It's the use of the word "Catholic." I move that when it comes to polls and the like, we use the wording "people who consider themselves Catholic." Because we've all talked to people who, when we bring up our Faith, say "I'm Catholic too." And when we ask what parish they belong to, they say "Oh, I don't go anymore."

Then they are not Catholic.

The 40% who are Pro-Abortion are not Catholic. The 55% who voted for Obama are either not Catholic, or are VERY mis-guided and mis-informed. Those who are informed and blatantly choose to vote for a Pro-Death candidate so that they can have more money in their bank accounts are going against the Church they profess to follow. And it's not simply a turning away from the Church, but from Jesus Christ who founded it.

If you don't like what the Church teaches then go somewhere else. Or start your own church. There are plenty of people out there making their own religions and being very successful at it. Hey, Joel Osteen fills arenas around the country for his brand of Self-Help Religion. Check out his business model.

The point is, they don't speak for me. I'm a Catholic and I do NOT want to be lumped into the category of people who supposedly represent my Church. You've kidnapped my Faith, and I want it back!

Do you hear that Biden and Pelosi? I know, I know - 60% of people "who consider themselves Catholic" agree with you.

See what I mean?

Monday, November 10, 2008

A Marriage to Die For.

With the recent economic down-turn and market volatility, those of us with a cursory knowledge of history think back to stories recalling how people jumped out of their office windows during the stock market crash of 1929. Suicide due to job loss or economic hardship is still a reality almost 80 years later. But is it really such a big deal to lose one's job? I mean, is it life taking type serious? Do we feel just as distraught when a marriage dissolves?

Of course not, but why not?

The reason is that we as a society have come to see marriage as a"contract" and not a "covenant". A contract is an exchange of goods, where as a covenant is an exchange of persons. In marriage we give each other totally and completely to the other. No do-overs, or fingers crossed behind your back. There is no receipt or 30-day money back guaranty. Two people becoming one flesh. This one flesh union cannot be separated. The Bible tells us as much (Matthew 19:6 and Mark 10:9).

But our separation anxiety is so much more acute with the loss of a job. Possibly because we have been taught that we can easily get another spouse, "but a great job comes along once in a lifetime." Spouses are replaceable. Jobs are not.

So why do we give up so easily at marriage? Divorce statistics continueto hover around 50%. Almost two third of all divorces have pornography as a contributing factor. And 75% of divorced men say they had extramarital affairs during their marriage. With these numbers the answer is clear and daunting. The answer is the sin of selfishness. And the purveyors are men.

We love money and sex more than our wives. We may pay lip-service agains tthe idea of being "shallow" or "self-centered", but the reality speaks differently. When the lights are out or the wife is away, we turn on the computer, or go to the strip club, or go see out mistress. Men - we arethe problem. Additionally, we have allowed this erroneous "masculine" ideal to permeate the "feminine" world. Now women are beginning to treat men as we have been treating them for a long time - like possessions. Objects. How's that for equal rights?

The key is for good and Godly men to stand up to each other and those around them and say, "Enough!" To march and pray outside of adult book stores, strip clubs and abortion clinics. To hold each other accountable. To not simply "preach to the choir" of our fellow Christians, but to speak loudly and clearly with our mouths (and wallets) to anyone who'll listen.

The book of James 1:22 states, "prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves." Take your faith to the streets and tell the world that you wife or husband mean more to you than money or sex. And, yes - even more than your job, for my spouse is not simple apaycheck, but "bone of my bone, and flesh of my flesh."

Thursday, November 6, 2008

RCM Conference Updates... and other stuff.

Here's the latest on the 2009 RCM Conference:

  • The location is confirmed as St. Joseph Parish in Vancouver, WA.

  • Although Tarek Saab has had to cancel his appearance, I have the pleasure of announcing that Apologist and author, John LaBriola, will be graciously taking his place. I am so excited to have John at the conference speaking about spiritual warfare!

My personal appearance schedule has been altered due to my new position with Northwest Family Services ( Here is an updated list:

  • December 19th, 2008. Catholic TV program "This Is The Day"
    Time: TBD
    Topic: Men's spirituality and the Real Catholic Men Conference.

  • February 5th, 2009. St. Anthony's "Theology on Tap"
    Prime Time Sports Bar and Grill, Forest Grove, Oregon
    6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
    Talk: "Enough About Me: Living the Hard Teachings of Christ"

  • The Febuary 21st event and St. Matthew has been cencelled and will hopefully be re-scheduled.

  • I have also recently been interviewed by the National Catholic Register for an article about the increasing movement of Catholic men's conferences throughout the nation.

  • I will also be occasionally contributing to the Oregon Faith Report ( Check out the site for great information on Christian activities throughout the area. I'll be posting links to my articles on this blog and the RCM website.

I guess that's all for now. May God continue to bless you!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Some Encouragement Today

Even though a Pro-Death candidate will be our next President, we still have some assurances in life:

1. The Catholic Church will still have the fullness of Truth.
2. Prayer will still work.
3. The Holy Spirit will still move.
4. God will still inhabit the praises of His people.
5. There will still be God-anointed preaching and prophesying.
6. There will still be singing of praise to God.
7. Mary will still be our tender, all-loving Mother.
8. The saints will still intercede for us.
9. God will still pour out blessings upon His people.
10. There will still be room at the Cross for every soul.
11. The True Presence of Jesus Christ will still be waiting for you in Tabernacles around the world.
12. Christ will still call us to forgive and love in a radical way.
13. Jesus will still love you, no matter what.
14. Jesus will still save the lost when they confess and turn to Him.
15. Peter will still be The Rock upon which the Church was built, and the powers of hell SHALL NOT prevail against it.

... and God approves this message!