Cars have batteries that die. They cough and sputter. Backfire. Hesitate. Go a little. Jerk forward. Conk out. Start again. Die. Pull off to the side of the road.
When this happens we take them to a mechanic who does some diagnostic things (I guess) and determines a course of action. Fix this. Replace that. Scrap the whole thing. Whatever it may be.
I don't know about you, but my faith-life is more like a 1974 Dodge Dart (my first car) than a 2011 Honda Civic.
It runs well for a while, then begins to "act up." Sometimes I want to trade it in for a newer model, but I know that what it really needs is a tune up. It's a good car, afterall. It's been with me for so long. I can't just toss it in the heap with the others.
For me, spiritual direction is that tune up. It gives me the "manual" for taking care of my spirituality.
Recently I have been instructed by my spirtual director to do the morning and eveing prayers. And I have been. For the most part. And when I don't - guess what happens?
Yep, you're right. Cough. Chug. Jerk. Sputter. Die.
Time to take the car back to the shop. Confession. Mass. Prayer. Meditation. Reading the Word of God. Those morning and evening prayers.
Pray for me that I can keep my engine running. I'll do the same for you.
Vroom vroom!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
When You're Down and Out...

I attended my first retreat there about 6 years ago. It was a married couples retreat with fellow Teams of Our Lady members. I remember not wanting to leave. The place is so serene and it gave me a quiet place to contemplate my marriage and my manhood.
I've been back many times. And not just for retreats, but to say "hello" and lend a hand when needed.
One of my favorite things to do at OLP is to go to their annual BBQ. So many great people having nothing but good food and fun. Music, games for the kids, raffles. All the things you'd expect.
This year, the Sisters offered to let me have a spot to put up a table to help promote RCM. And what a spot it was. Right by where everyone had to purchase their food tickets. No one could get in without going by me!
Now I must admit, I've been having a rough time of it lately. Both personally and spiritually. Wondering what God is wanting from me. Dealing (again) with disappointments. Sometimes it's hard to be the "face" of RCM when you're not "feeling it."
But this BBQ, this table and this exposure was exactly what I needed.
So many people came up to me to shake my hand and thank me for the ministry. People who are enjoying the radio show. People who are just glad that someone - anyone - is out there on the frontlines giving it a try.
It's true that the laborers are few. And there is much work to me done.
Thank you for your prayers of support. I honestly don't know where I'd be without them.
God bless you all!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
How Lame Am I?
I just wanted to post this "quickie" to let you all know that I (and this Blog) are indeed alive and well.
I will be posting something longer (and definitely more spiritually "deep") very soon.
Thank you for your patience - and your feedback on the previous entry. I can't believe it's been almost 3 months! Sheesh!
Oh, to be more disciplined.
God bless you all.
I will be posting something longer (and definitely more spiritually "deep") very soon.
Thank you for your patience - and your feedback on the previous entry. I can't believe it's been almost 3 months! Sheesh!
Oh, to be more disciplined.
God bless you all.
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