Thursday, December 4, 2008

Why is This "Cute"?

I saw this on MSNBC today... just at the same time I was doing research about teen dating habits and pre-marital sex.

First, read the article, the continue reading below.

A study done of 2,400 teens found that the younger a girl begins to date, the more likely she is to have sex before graduating from high school.

Of girls who began dating at age twelve, 91% had sex before graduation; compared to 56% who dated at age thirteen, 53% at age fourteen, 40% at age fifteen and 20% at age 16.

So this precocious little boy is writing a book which will cause our daughters to be un-wed teen mothers. Great! Let's promote him all over the national media.

This is NOT overreacting. This is the frog in the pot of water again. The heat has just been turned up and we didn't even notice.

Congratulations, TODAY Show. You've just begun pimping the nation's 9 year-old girls.

Monday, December 1, 2008

God is Awesome!

Praise be to God! With some creative accounting (the legal kind) and some very generous friends, I will be able to begin podcasting in 2009.

The equipment has been ordered and should arrive in the next couple weeks. Once I get everything connected and learn how to use it all (I have a pretty good idea, but I'm sure there will be a learning curve) I'll get to work on the content.

The precise feel of the programs is yet-to-be-determined, but I assure you I will work hard at making in the best it can be for all of you.

I'll also be looking forward to interviewing men of God who will inspire us all. I'll start lining up guests very soon.

If you are able to assist financially in order to help new this reality reach more men, I would be humbled. You can contact me directly for more information at (503) 640-3456.

I am stepping out in faith with this aspect of the ministry. I know there is a growing need for the RCM message to reach men outside of my geographic restrictions, and this allows me to do just that.

Stay tuned and I will keep you updated as things progress.

May you all have a blessed Advent season!