Monday, June 30, 2008

Wow! What a Day! (part 2)

On June 24th at 8:05 PM, baby Noah James Renshaw was born.  He weighed in at 8 lbs. 9 oz. and was 22 3/4 inches.

Praise God for this little life.  I am already visualizing him helping me with the 2030 RCM Conference.

Thank you for all your prayers.  There will be more RCM stuff happening in the late Summer/ early Fall.  Please drop by this site regularly.  I'll be updating it as often as possible and needed.

I will also be sending e-mails regularly to those who were in attendance.  If you were not able to make it, and would like to be on the e-mail list, please contact me at:

Monday, June 23, 2008

Wow! What A Day!

Where to start?

I'm a guy who can't say "Thank You" enough when it is truly felt.  So thank you to each and every man in attendance.  Your words of encouragement and participation make me so excited for the future of this conference and our faith.

Thank you to Deacon Harold, Jesse Romero, Ken Henderson, Bishop Steiner, His Majesty's Musicians, and the Knights of Columbus.  It's much easier to pull something like this off when you have people like these involved.

A word of gratitude also to a number of men (and women) who helped promote the conference among their parishes, friends and family.  Daniel Cortez, Bob Hutchinson, Rolando Moreno, Paige Taylor, Mark Wagner, Jeremy Young, Daniel Bennett, Rob and Dina-Marie Hale, and George Reis.

I apologize for the low number of priests available to confession.  Truth be told, there were actually twice as much as I had expected!  I think most of you made it through.  Praise be to God!

I also apologize for running out of food towards the end.  This one was actually not my fault.  I'm in the midst of correcting it for next year.

Heavenly Father, bless these men as they continue their formation.  Guide us to other men to support us along our journey.  Let us focus on the cross.  Upon your life, death and resurrection.

Please give me a call if any of you need anything.  (503) 640-3456.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Home Stretch... Times Two.

Time is running out - in more than one aspect of my life.

As I scramble to tie up loose ends with the 1st Annual Conference, just 10 days away, I am also counting the days until my little boy, Noah, is born.  God willing, he'll hold out until at least the 22nd of the month.

This, as you can imagine, increases the stress I am feeling by a factor of ten.  I find it hard to pray, as I am overwhelmed with preparing, cleaning, washing, taking care of, worrying and other "ing" words.  Just when I need to most, I find it the hardest.

I think if it weren't for those praying FOR me, I'd probably collapse under the weight of it all.

Isn't this the time when I should be stockpiling sleep?  Uh uh.  Not me.  I'm in training camp for the real "Baby Season".  Thank God for His strength, because I have none left.

In the last month, we have had to replace our washer and dryer, lawnmower and dishwasher.  All broke down at the same time.  I have also been involved in a hit-and-run accident (as the victim).  Our old washing machine decided to flood our newly installed tile.

My wife reminds me to keep my eyes on Jesus and not watch the waves.  Good advice.  That's why I married her.

Now she's ready to give birth to our third child.  I guess I shouldn't complain so much.  She has the harder job.

May God bless the conference and our little one.  See you all on the 21st.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Too Good to Be "Real"?

It will come as a surprise to no one that the idea of Real Catholic Ministries (and the associated RCM Conference) has garnered some negative feedback.

Here are just a few of the things:
  • The word "Real" alienates those who think of themselves as "less than", and angers those who see the word as an accusation that men who do NOT attend are not "Real".
  • "A Call to Arms" is a violent, military reference that will turn off those who are against the war in Iraq.
  • Who needs men's spirituality?  It's just like Eucharistic Adoration or belief in the Magisterium - not really necessary. 
  • Why are you excluding women?
So, as we move forward with this conference, and those to follow, I want to make my intentions clear.

RCM is for men who want to better understand - and follow - their God-given roles within their Church, their family and their society.  These are not arbitrary rules or regulations fabricated by me.  I'm not that smart.  I'm simply following the Church and the God that I profess to believe in.

Here are two questions to ask yourselves:
  1. Do you REALLY believe in the Church and the God that you profess to believe in?  And if so, don't you want to follow that Church and God to the best of your ability?
  2. If not, whose rules are you following?  Yours?  Do you think you have a better idea than the Church Christ created about what is right and wrong?  (see Genesis - Original Sin)
We as men - and as human beings in general - need to quit thinking that we are God.  We're not.  Our rules and norms don't apply.  

So you think you don't need RCM?  Just call yourself St. (insert name here).  I know I need it.  As a mater of fact, those who think they don't need it, need it as much - if not more - than the rest.  But we ALL need it!

Be honest with yourselves.  Be honest with God.  Your eternal soul hangs in the balance.