The response to this article, and the e-mail campaign that followed was very supportive. Sure, there are those few who are afraid of the truth. This is no surprise.
Today as I was re-reading the article I decided to click on the link to the advertisers' page. To my surprise, the link was broken. Hmmm. I then went to the station's website. It had been re-vamped and the advertisers' page updated. The advertiser in question had been removed.
For those who differ with my take on things, I want to make two points perfectly clear:
1) I did indeed hear Pete and Brenda's comments firsthand. Both days. It is not a coincidence that they had these two actors' voices on the day before, and the day of, the release of the film. An accident? Hardly. This is promoting the film. I heard them.
2) The Programming Director did invite me to come and speak with him, but only after I had threatened the boycott, and after NOT admitting to any wrongdoing. I think the removal of the advertiser shows that indeed he saw the error. However, I know that the station will not institute a policy which states that advertisers must meet strict ethical and moral guidelines.
This would be too difficult.
It's not easy being a Christian. Never has been. Never will be.