Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Coming Up for Air

Phew! That's all I can say.

Oh - that and "AMEN!!!!"

This past weekend, 41 men from Oregon and SW Washington attended the first (of many, I hope) Real Catholic Men Retreat. It was an amazing time. Faith. Food. Fellowship. What more could one want.

Rather than me telling you what a great experience it was, I want to let you read some of the responses I have received over the past few days.

"Thanks for an excellent weekend. I was inspired, motivated and challenged."

"I can't thank you enough for the retreat this weekend. I will never look at the Mass the same way again. The graces I received this weekend and the strength I feel renewed me like no other experience I have ever been blessed with."

"You and Deacon Harold (Burke-Sivers) were like the Apostles, helping us (the disciples) open our hearts and minds to the Holy Spirit, His Holy will and His plan for us."

"The retreat was great. I couldn't have asked for more. Thanks for an unforgettable weekend."

"I feel alive, at peace, confident, and I have more courage to bring my faith into the world."

"I recommend men from every walk of life to attend next year."

Wow! I am humbled and honored to be fighting the good fight of faith with men like these. Please don't miss opportunities like this - wherever you are! Find a men's group, a retreat, a conference, and make yourself available to the graces of the Holy Spirit in your lives.

Special thanks to Deacon Harold (http://www.auremcordis.com/) for his participation. We ALL need to hear the messages his is sharing around the world.

God bless you all. Happy Easter!!!